Source code for aiosfstream.exceptions

"""Exception types

Exception hierarchy::

from functools import wraps
import asyncio
import contextlib

import aiocometd.exceptions as cometd_exc

# pylint: disable=too-many-ancestors

[docs]class AiosfstreamException(cometd_exc.AiocometdException): """Base exception type. All exceptions of the package inherit from this class. """
[docs]class AuthenticationError(AiosfstreamException): """Authentication failure"""
[docs]class TransportError(AiosfstreamException, cometd_exc.TransportError): """Error during the transportation of messages"""
[docs]class TransportInvalidOperation(TransportError, cometd_exc.TransportInvalidOperation): """The requested operation can't be executed on the current state of the transport"""
[docs]class TransportTimeoutError(TransportError, cometd_exc.TransportTimeoutError): """Transport timeout"""
[docs]class TransportConnectionClosed(TransportError, cometd_exc.TransportConnectionClosed): """The connection unexpectedly closed"""
[docs]class ServerError(AiosfstreamException, cometd_exc.ServerError): """Streaming API server side error If the *response* contains an error field it gets parsed according to the \ `specs <>`_ :param str message: Error description :param dict response: Server response message """
[docs]class ClientError(AiosfstreamException, cometd_exc.ClientError): """Client side error"""
[docs]class ClientInvalidOperation(ClientError, cometd_exc.ClientInvalidOperation): """The requested operation can't be executed on the current state of the client"""
# pylint: enable=too-many-ancestors EXCEPTION_PAIRS = { cometd_exc.AiocometdException: AiosfstreamException, cometd_exc.TransportError: TransportError, cometd_exc.TransportInvalidOperation: TransportInvalidOperation, cometd_exc.TransportTimeoutError: TransportTimeoutError, cometd_exc.TransportConnectionClosed: TransportConnectionClosed, cometd_exc.ServerError: ServerError, cometd_exc.ClientError: ClientError, cometd_exc.ClientInvalidOperation: ClientInvalidOperation } @contextlib.contextmanager def translate_errors_context(): """Context manager for translating the raised aiocometd \ errors to their aiosfstream counterparts As every properly behaving library, aiosfstream uses its own exception hierarchy, just as aiocometd does. The problem is that for the users of the library, it can be very confusing to deal with more then a single exception hierarchy, so aiocometd exceptions should be tranlated to aiosfstream exceptions. (unfortunately we can't make aiosfstream exceptions the virtual base class of aiocometd exceptions, since exception handling only looks at the __mro__ to find the base class, we have no choice but to redefine the same exceptions) """ try: yield except cometd_exc.AiocometdException as cometd_error: error_cls = EXCEPTION_PAIRS[type(cometd_error)] raise error_cls(*cometd_error.args) from cometd_error def translate_errors(func): """Function decorator for translating the raised aiocometd \ errors to their aiosfstream counterparts :param func: Function or coroutine function :return: The wrapped function """ if not asyncio.iscoroutinefunction(func): # for non coroutine functions use the context manager as a decorator # pylint: disable=not-callable return translate_errors_context()(func) # pylint: enable=not-callable # pylint: disable=missing-docstring @wraps(func) async def async_wrapper(*args, **kwargs): with translate_errors_context(): return await func(*args, **kwargs) # pylint: enable=missing-docstring return async_wrapper