Source code for aiosfstream.auth

"""Authenticatior class implementations"""
from abc import abstractmethod
from http import HTTPStatus
import reprlib
import json

from aiocometd import AuthExtension
from aiohttp import ClientSession
from aiohttp.client_exceptions import ClientError

from .exceptions import AuthenticationError


# pylint: disable=too-many-instance-attributes

[docs]class AuthenticatorBase(AuthExtension): """Abstract base class to serve as a base for implementing concrete authenticators""" def __init__(self, sandbox=False, json_dumps=json.dumps, json_loads=json.loads): """ :param bool sandbox: Marks whether the authentication has to be done \ for a sandbox org or for a production org :param json_dumps: Function for JSON serialization, the default is \ :func:`json.dumps` :type json_dumps: :func:`callable` :param json_loads: Function for JSON deserialization, the default is \ :func:`json.loads` :type json_loads: :func:`callable` """ #: Marks whether the authentication has to be done for a sandbox org \ #: or for a production org self._sandbox = sandbox #: Salesforce session ID that can be used with the web services API self.access_token = None #: Value is Bearer for all responses that include an access token self.token_type = None #: A URL indicating the instance of the user’s org self.instance_url = None #: Identity URL that can be used to both identify the user and query \ #: for more information about the user = None # pylint: disable=invalid-name #: Base64-encoded HMAC-SHA256 signature signed with the consumer’s \ #: private key containing the concatenated ID and issued_at. Use to \ #: verify that the identity URL hasn’t changed since the server sent it self.signature = None #: Timestamp when the signature was created self.issued_at = None #: Function for JSON serialization self.json_dumps = json_dumps #: Function for JSON deserialization self.json_loads = json_loads @property def _token_url(self): """The URL that should be used for token requests""" if self._sandbox: return SANDBOX_TOKEN_URL return TOKEN_URL async def outgoing(self, payload, headers): headers["Authorization"] = self.token_type + " " + self.access_token async def incoming(self, payload, headers=None): pass async def authenticate(self): """Called on initialization and after a failed authentication attempt :raise AuthenticationError: If the server rejects the authentication \ request or if a network failure occurs """ try: status_code, response_data = await self._authenticate() except ClientError as error: raise AuthenticationError("Network request failed") from error if status_code != HTTPStatus.OK: self.access_token = None self.token_type = None self.instance_url = None = None self.signature = None self.issued_at = None raise AuthenticationError("Authentication failed", response_data) self.__dict__.update(response_data) @abstractmethod async def _authenticate(self): """Authenticate the user :return: The status code and response data from the server's response :rtype: tuple(int, dict) :raise aiohttp.client_exceptions.ClientError: If a network failure \ occurs """
# pylint: enable=too-many-instance-attributes # pylint: disable=too-many-arguments
[docs]class PasswordAuthenticator(AuthenticatorBase): """Authenticator for using the OAuth 2.0 Username-Password Flow""" def __init__(self, consumer_key, consumer_secret, username, password, sandbox=False, json_dumps=json.dumps, json_loads=json.loads): """ :param str consumer_key: Consumer key from the Salesforce connected \ app definition :param str consumer_secret: Consumer secret from the Salesforce \ connected app definition :param str username: Salesforce username :param str password: Salesforce password :param bool sandbox: Marks whether the authentication has to be done \ for a sandbox org or for a production org :param json_dumps: Function for JSON serialization, the default is \ :func:`json.dumps` :type json_dumps: :func:`callable` :param json_loads: Function for JSON deserialization, the default is \ :func:`json.loads` :type json_loads: :func:`callable` """ super().__init__(sandbox=sandbox, json_dumps=json_dumps, json_loads=json_loads) #: OAuth2 client id self.client_id = consumer_key #: OAuth2 client secret self.client_secret = consumer_secret #: Salesforce username self.username = username #: Salesforce password self.password = password def __repr__(self): """Formal string representation""" cls_name = type(self).__name__ return f"{cls_name}(consumer_key={reprlib.repr(self.client_id)}," \ f"consumer_secret={reprlib.repr(self.client_secret)}, " \ f"username={reprlib.repr(self.username)}, " \ f"password={reprlib.repr(self.password)})" async def _authenticate(self): async with ClientSession(json_serialize=self.json_dumps) as session: data = { "grant_type": "password", "client_id": self.client_id, "client_secret": self.client_secret, "username": self.username, "password": self.password } response = await, data=data) response_data = await response.json(loads=self.json_loads) return response.status, response_data
[docs]class RefreshTokenAuthenticator(AuthenticatorBase): """Authenticator for using the OAuth 2.0 Refresh Token Flow""" def __init__(self, consumer_key, consumer_secret, refresh_token, sandbox=False, json_dumps=json.dumps, json_loads=json.loads): """ :param str consumer_key: Consumer key from the Salesforce connected \ app definition :param str consumer_secret: Consumer secret from the Salesforce \ connected app definition :param str refresh_token: A refresh token obtained from Salesforce \ by using one of its authentication methods (for example with the \ OAuth 2.0 Web Server Authentication Flow) :param bool sandbox: Marks whether the authentication has to be done \ for a sandbox org or for a production org :param json_dumps: Function for JSON serialization, the default is \ :func:`json.dumps` :type json_dumps: :func:`callable` :param json_loads: Function for JSON deserialization, the default is \ :func:`json.loads` :type json_loads: :func:`callable` """ super().__init__(sandbox=sandbox, json_dumps=json_dumps, json_loads=json_loads) #: OAuth2 client id self.client_id = consumer_key #: OAuth2 client secret self.client_secret = consumer_secret #: Salesforce refresh token self.refresh_token = refresh_token def __repr__(self): """Formal string representation""" cls_name = type(self).__name__ return f"{cls_name}(consumer_key={reprlib.repr(self.client_id)}," \ f"consumer_secret={reprlib.repr(self.client_secret)}, " \ f"refresh_token={reprlib.repr(self.refresh_token)})" async def _authenticate(self): async with ClientSession(json_serialize=self.json_dumps) as session: data = { "grant_type": "refresh_token", "client_id": self.client_id, "client_secret": self.client_secret, "refresh_token": self.refresh_token } response = await, data=data) response_data = await response.json(loads=self.json_loads) return response.status, response_data
# pylint: enable=too-many-arguments